Future Leaders International Private School

Preparing Generations To Lead Future Generations For A Better Tomorrow

Our Vision

To empower students to participate and contribute to the global world.

Our Mission

To prepare students for life through learning experiences within a safe, positive and productive school environment. 

Core Values

Tolerance: Our students value, recognize and celebrate their individual cultural background, while respecting, understanding and showing esteem and openness towards the different views, values, experiences and traditions of other individuals, communities and cultures.

Care: Our students show care, empathy, compassion and respect towards the needs and feelings of others. 

Honesty: Our students act with a considered sense of fairness, honesty and justice, and they take responsibility for and accept the consequences of their own actions.

Respect: Our students respect themselves, others and the world around them; they exhibit kindness, consideration and helpfulness to others.

Resilience: Our students learn from their mistakes and recover fast in order to prevail. 

Commitment: Our students are committed to their own learning, while practicing perseverance, self-discipline, personal responsibility and high personal expectations. 

Collaboration: Our students effectively work with individuals as part of a team, and they perform efficient interaction, communication, insightfulness, and reflection and eagerness to learn.

Pride: Our students take pride in themselves, their school, their community and their achievements. 

Curiosity: Our students inquire and are actively interested in understanding the world, its people and cultures, thus enabling them to become lifelong learners.   

Leadership: Our students will become the global-minded leaders of the 21st century.

Self-Discipline:  Our students are self-disciplined and self-governed.

Integrity: Our students possess high moral character and live by a strict set of ethics and principles – i.e. doing the right thing, whether it benefits you or not.

Empathy: Our students understand and share other people’s experiences and emotions, and have the ability to share someone else’s feelings.